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Friday, 20 November 2015


There are certain pieces of wisdom that we learn from our parents at an early age which stays with us for a lifetime.They are a comfort, a warning, or an incentive to us in times of crisis or disappointment.Perhaps your mother or father told you that you "can't hurry love". This one insight is so important that it can literally save your life, and certainly keep you from a great deal of unnecessary pain.
   Every one of us want to love and be loved in the deepest, most complete way.As we reach adolescence and young adulthood we assume that it will just happen.As the years pass, it doesn't or we think it has and then, after a while, the relationship falls apart  and we are left alone again. This can lead to desperation and a series of bad choices or to depressing kind of loneliness that seems to lead to nowhere.
    You may have a different love clock than your partner. You may want to move more quickly in revealing yourself, in trust, or in sexual intimacy, living together, and marriage.It is more important to know just what your love clock is and why it works at that speed and to understand the workings of your lover's. Part of the difference has to do with overall personality but another important factor revolves around issues of self-esteem and neediness. You hope that your lover is ready to move onto the next level of the relationship when you are. Not too likely! So go back to that reassuring wise admonition,"you can't hurry love," and reflect on what it means for your relationship..to be continued....

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